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Privacy policy


Mandatory cookies ensure the technical functionality of the online service and are not used for other purposes. The website is always operated over a secure connection (HTTPS).

Optional cookies used on the site are cookies used to track visitors. We hope you also accept the optional cookies that are used to improve the site.

Visitor Tracking

In order to develop the web service, we use Google Analytics to collect statistics about its use.

Google Analytics will only be installed when the user allows all cookies by selecting “Accept Cookies” from the pop-up window.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics collects information about your use of the online service. We collect information about, among other things, the number of visitors to the site, as well as the browsers and terminals used by the visitors. We use this information to improve the content and technical features of the site.

The Google Analytics account used in the online service enables anonymization of IP addresses to protect user privacy, and data is not shared with other Google services. Google Analytics stores data in accordance with Google’s then-current terms.

Embedded content

Third-party plug-ins in our online service are downloaded from the services’ own servers. Services provided by a third party or applications transmitted by a third party are subject to that third party’s own terms of use and other terms. & Nbsp;


The web service uses a nocookie solution for embedded YouTube videos, which means that user information is transferred to YouTube when the video is watched.

Cookie settings

If you want to disable the use of cookies, you can do so by selecting “Mandatory cookies only” from the pop-up window. If you want to change the decision you made, you can do so here:


Privacy statement

EU General Data Protection Regulation, 2016/679, entered into force on May 25, 2018 

Privacy policy in Finnish (PDF)

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